Riders Republic™
Normálna cena
499,00 Kč
Normálna cena
999,00 Kč
Cena po zľave
499,00 Kč
Jednotková cena
✅ Elektronická licence.
📄 Aktivační instrukce.
⏰ Rychlé doručení.
Jump into the Riders Republic massive multiplayer playground! Grab your skis, snowboard, bike, or wingsuit and explore an open world sports paradise where the rules are yours to make—or break.
- Join over 50 players simultaneously in a massive multiplayer playground
- Compete in all-out mass races—collide, grind, and fight your way to the finish
- Customize your character to show off your style to your friends and competition
- Draw the attention of sponsors by participating in prestigious events
- Bike, ski, snowboard, or wingsuit in a variety of modes, from tricks challenges to fast-paced races
- Go wild on the heights of iconic US national parks like Yosemite, Zion, and Bryce Canyon
This game leverages Smart Delivery allowing access to both the Xbox One title and the Xbox Series X|S title
- Join over 50 players simultaneously in a massive multiplayer playground
- Compete in all-out mass races—collide, grind, and fight your way to the finish
- Customize your character to show off your style to your friends and competition
- Draw the attention of sponsors by participating in prestigious events
- Bike, ski, snowboard, or wingsuit in a variety of modes, from tricks challenges to fast-paced races
- Go wild on the heights of iconic US national parks like Yosemite, Zion, and Bryce Canyon
This game leverages Smart Delivery allowing access to both the Xbox One title and the Xbox Series X|S title
Aktivace produktu
Xbox produkty (licenční klíče)
Tyto produkty mohou vyžadovat aktivaci pomocí VPN. Přesné kroky k aktivaci naleznete v návodu pro aktivaci, který obdržíte spolu s elektronickou licencí (klíčem).
- Aktivace je jednoduchá a bezproblémová, ať už jste kdekoli na světě.
- Licence mohou mít regionální omezení (např. Argentina, Turecko, Egypt, Brazílie) nebo být Globální či EU.
- VPN umožní aktivaci i v Česku a Slovensku.
Pro více informací si přečtěte Podmínky služby.